Photos are coming soon, but here’s a quick report:
We had 150 people there (probably more) to show our support for Governor Dean. We had more people than any other candidate, and got quite a bit of positive feedback from union delegates arriving on buses outside Navy Pier.
Governor Dean showed up and spent 10 minutes shaking hands (he even signed Eric Davis’s Doctor’s coat!) and gave a quick stump speech. Joe Trippi was there as well and had great things to say about what we’re doing in Illinois.
It was great to see so many supporters out in force. There were “Tots for Dean” (the Ginsburg daughters!), “Teens for Dean”, “Teachers for Dean”, “Oak Parkers for Dean” and lots of other constituencies represented.
I’ll sound like a broken record (why don’t we say “a scratched CD” these days?), but I’ll repeat it: this campaign isn’t about the Internet, it’s about community. Tonight’s rally was just further proof of that.
Dean AFL-CIO Rally, Part 1
ReplyDeleteOkay, I want to get these up fast so I'm doing two parts. Youngest first: This young ladies sign says "Pre Deanyboppers say: Go Howard." Even youngsters are supporting Dean with this Tots for Dean sign....
Dean AFL-CIO Rally, Part 2
ReplyDeleteThere's still more after this, I think they'll be at least 4. Vietnam Veterans may never form an internet group for Dean, but they support his reasonable foreign policy. This 19 year old supports Dean mostly because of his health...