This is just excellent, fantastic news:
… Details from the Daily Herald, in a Chicago suburb. The story is useful as a look at OverDrive in action on the local scene. OverDrive deserves credit for what appears to be far-more-flexible DRM than one might expect. Excerpt: By September, Naperville patrons will be able to browse among 2,000 titles from the library Web site … After entering their card number, they’ll have two weeks to download an audiobook or e-book to their computer. They can make up to three copies of the book by transferring the file to an MP3 player or burning it to a CD, and those copies are theirs forever. At the end of two weeks, the original copy can be renewed, or it will automatically expire and no longer open, and be returned to the collection for others to use. … [TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home] [[Technorati] naperville]
Have I mentioned that I love this town?
That is great news indeed!