Thursday, August 19, 2010

Aviation safety law passes - thank you!

Kevin Kuwik, working w/families of flight 3407
Photo by Jerry Zremski,
Back in March, I asked those of you in Massachusetts to call Sen. Brown's office to persuade him to sign on to a bill as a co-sponsor. This was a result of an appeal I received from a friend of mine who I've written about on this blog on several occasions, Kevin Kuwik. Many of you did call - between readers of the blog, friends on Facebook, co-workers who saw my Buzz post, and e-mail, I know of at least 50 of you who called that day. Sen. Brown's office received several hundred calls that day, and he did sign on as a co-sponsor.

The bill was signed into law last week by President Obama. The entire remarkable (and heart-breaking) tale is told in last week's Buffalo News - if you have a few minutes, it's a must-read account of how the families who lost loved ones in flight 3407 worked together to right a terrible short-coming in our aviation safety laws.

I am so grateful to all of you who helped Kevin get this bill through Congress. It was a heroic effort, and I know how thankful he and all of the families of flight 3407 are for everything you did.
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