Back in August, my Treo 180 cracked. It turns out the flip cover is quite sensitive. The hinge simply cracked after about 8 months of use — and I was ready to send it back to Handspring for a replacement. But wait! Buzz had a better answer — he knows a guy in PR at Handspring who would be willing to help. And sure enough, Brian Jacquet sent me a replacement. A 270, no less. So I shelved the 180 and started using my upgraded model.
I didn’t make a big deal out of it at the time — I didn’t want Brian deluged with requests from others who wanted free Treos — but I was tremendously grateful. It was a great phone, and he really helped me out of a jam (not to mention he got me a better phone).
But here I am again, 8 months later (coincidental, that!) with another cracked Treo. Since the 270 was only 8 months old, I figured I’d be OK… just call support and get it fixed. Nope – turns out the warranty on the new phone is actually the warranty for the old phone… so it expired in January. To fix it, I’d need to spend $160.
If I’d abused the phone in some way, I’d feel responsible for its condition, and would accept having to pay. But normal wear & tear? $159? (The original Treo 180 cost me just $99.)
Talk about annoying. Anyone know anybody at Palm I can talk to? (Unfortunately, Buzz’s friend Brian was a victim of the merger and is no longer there.)
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