Just caught up with my old boss Mike Curreri, who’s doing great stuff over at Avicode. Always fun to hear what he’s up to, and hopefully Robin and I will be able to squeeze in a visit to see Mike and Renee at their place on the water in Maryland. (Mike: if crabs are on the menu, you can book it now.)
We talked about a lot, but particularly exciting was the news that Mike’s son Paul has a new album coming out later this month. I’ve raved about Paul before, and I cannot wait for a live album to add to my iPod. Here’s one track that gives a hint of what’s to come. (And if you’re in the UK and reading this, he’s going to be touring the UK over the next couple weeks — go see him play! You won’t regret it.)
On the (very) off chance that there are any music industry types reading this, do us all a favor and make Paul a star. Seriously. He’s the real deal. I’m bummed that I missed him on his last trip through town (OK, so we were having a baby, which is a pretty good excuse. But still.)
you better not tell Ricky crabs are even a possiblity or we'll be driving there now ;)