Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Paul Curreri Album coming soon

Just caught up with my old boss Mike Curreri, who’s doing great stuff over at Avicode. Always fun to hear what he’s up to, and hopefully Robin and I will be able to squeeze in a visit to see Mike and Renee at their place on the water in Maryland. (Mike: if crabs are on the menu, you can book it now.)

We talked about a lot, but particularly exciting was the news that Mike’s son Paul has a new album coming out later this month. I’ve raved about Paul before, and I cannot wait for a live album to add to my iPod. Here’s one track that gives a hint of what’s to come. (And if you’re in the UK and reading this, he’s going to be touring the UK over the next couple weeks — go see him play! You won’t regret it.)

On the (very) off chance that there are any music industry types reading this, do us all a favor and make Paul a star. Seriously. He’s the real deal. I’m bummed that I missed him on his last trip through town (OK, so we were having a baby, which is a pretty good excuse. But still.)

1 comment:

  1. you better not tell Ricky crabs are even a possiblity or we'll be driving there now ;)
