I’m pretty intrigued by Adam Kalsey’s new service, FeedCrier. FeedCrier will notify you by instant message (currently AIM only, others in development) whenever a feed updates. Adam announced this last night on his blog, and I looked at the instructions for publishers and figured out that it’d take about 2 minutes to integrate FeedCrier into FeedFlare.
Sure enough, it was pretty easy. FeedFlare, you’ll recall, is the FeedBurner service that adds functionality to your feed and/or your website; more details are here. I built a FeedCrier FeedFlare unit here – if you want to use it, just copy that URL into your FeedFlare configuration screen. Then you can choose to add the links to either your feed, your site, or both. After that, FeedCrier links will be active and your subscribers/readers will be able to register for IM alerts automatically.
Nice work, Adam! Looks like a cool service.
Thanks for posting on this, I love these types of things. Have you looked at zaptxt.com and immedi.at too? Similar services.
ReplyDelete[...] I’ve long thought that FeedBurner should team with one of these companies and sure enough, it was FeedBurner VP of business development Rick Klau’s blog where I learned about FeedCrier. Klau has created a FeedFlare widget that publishers can use to provide a link to FeedCrier alerts for their feeds. I think that increasingly powerful RSS to IM tools will be in demand as RSS use grows - particularly in business. FeedCrier [...]
ReplyDeleteWhat a strange name for a product!
ReplyDeleteAllan - It's a play on words from the old "town crier" concept (where everyone in town got their news from the town crier)...
ReplyDelete[...] 私はFeedBurnerはこういったIMサービスのどれかと連携すべきじゃないかと以前から思っていたが、やっぱりFeedBurnerでもそう考えていたとみえ、私がFeedCrierについて知ったのは、 FeedBurnerのビジネスデベロプメント担当VPのRick Klausがブログで書いていたからだ。ここでKlausは、FeedFlareのAPIを利用してFeedBurnerのフィードをFeedCrierのアラートサービスに登録すウィジェットを書いている。 FeedFlare APIを使えば比較的簡単に他のサービスに対しても同じことができる。RSSの使用が増大するにつれ、RSSからIMで通知する強力なツールへの需要が高まるだろう。特にビジネスユースの分野でそうだと思う。 [...]
ReplyDeleteWe built one of these (i.e. RSS to IM) quite some time ago, but the resources it consumed were overwelming. Our tool is free, but soon after launch we limited to 1 RSS feed per IM due to demand (we ended up with 30,000 users).
ReplyDeleteFeed Alerts Over Instant Messenger ...
ReplyDeleteDo you want to stay connected with latest news updates from your favorite sources? Would you like to receive feed alerts and updates via instant messenger or over SMS? If the answer is yes to either of those questions you...