Monday, September 24, 2007

Residence Inn Balance

I saw a shorter version of this ad at and had to find it on Youtube so I could share it:

[youtube 9TV1NyLYoQI]

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.


  1. I can tell you right now the Residence Inn Palo Alto inspires no such freedoms. It's, er, institutional. I half-expected Johnny and June to show up and start by asking the warden to turn down the PA so "the fellas can enjoy the show."

  2. All that really means is that there's a really sweet Residence Inn somewhere else. See? It's all about _balance_. Get it?

  3. Gee - I think our children did some similar moves while staying at the RI on both ends of this move. They ate more too. What's the big deal? :)

  4. Sound track is from new Andrew Bird album Armchair Apocrypha (which is great).

  5. Seth - listening to Armchair Apocrypha right now on Rhapsody - thanks for the tip. It's excellent.
