From CalPundit (who saw it on Unfogged), we get the Smoking Gun Legal Document of the Year.
Yes — even though there are five months in the year remaining, Smoking Gun has declared a winner. And it’s a doozie — defending the use of the word “fuck” in a school. Regardless of the merits of a student’s right to confront a principal in such a manner, the brief is truly spectacular. Kudos to public defender Eric Vanatta for such an excellent piece of writing:
Fuck is certainly a controversial word that may be appropriate in certain venues and locales (Florida Elections Commission, speed eating contests, public defender offices) and may be inappropriate in others (weddings, Chuck-E-Cheese pizza parlors, district attorney offices). Some people may believe it is always inappropriate. But in all but a very few circumstances, the First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits our government from making that determination. This case falls outside of those very limited circumstances and as such, no conviction can result from Mr. X’s alleged statements.
Almost makes me recall with fondness those legal writing skills classes from ten years ago.