Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Um, Dad? I was alive in 2000...

Garry Trudeau is my hero:

Doonesbury c2003 Garry Trudeau
(c)2003 Garry Trudeau

(In the interest of full disclosure: Trudeau is a classmate of Governor Dean’s and a long-time friend who’s given his $2,000 limit.)


  1. 1) I think the previous day's comic strip was better.
    2) I was waiting for the Doctor to be mentioned in Doonesbury to confirm his arrival on the national political scene
    3) I was on tenterhooks wondering how he would be portrayed. Now I can breathe!

  2. He was mine once too, but then he married that heinous newsmodel Jane Pauley.

    Now then: Have you seen that you're mentioned in Thursday's Salon cover story "Blogland's man of the people" at http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2003/07/03/dean_web/index.html

    I wrote up a post about it on my blog, too, at http://blogs.salon.com/0001137/2003/07/02.html#a156

    I write for them sometimes and bugged them about doing a story early in the week, but my editor wouldn't let me mention it on my blog till it was out. Hope you enjoy it.

    I'm also maintaining a "Media On Dean" clearinghouse of all media stories here: http://blogs.salon.com/0001137/stories/2003/07/01/deansBigWebRushjune30th.html

    There is also a link to my blog Dean-blog homesite ( blog.deanforamerica.com ). Look under Blog Links in the left column, and it's the only one in bold/italic--it's called "Conclusive Evidence." That will take you to my blog. Fron there, just click on the big pic of Dean in the left column and you'll be at Media On Dean.

    I update at least twice a day, around 12 and 12 eastern time, but so far it has been much more.

    So I added your blog to my Media On Dean thing, too. Wasn't aware of it, as I just got sucked in Monday. I've only been blogging a few weeks, so I don't know who anybody is yet. But looking forward to a lot of reading.
