Friday, October 3, 2003


Ernie follows up the thread on editing blog posts with a discussion on semi-sorta-kinda-permalinks at Dave Winer’s site. It comes as no surprise that Dave edits his posts — he admits as much and has been clear it’s his policy to do so as he sees fit. Update (10/3/03, 10:42pm): Dave left a comment indicating Ernie mistakenly posted two different posts of Dave’s, rather than two versions of the same post. The point remains re: editing, but the example used was evidently not indicative.]

But this begs the question: what the hell is a “permalink” if not a “permanent” “link” to what you said?

Let’s call them ephemeralinks.

Now there’s a term I can get behind.

Please tell me this will get discussed at BloggerCon.


  1. A few months ago we discussed the idea of small icons behind links (via CSS) to show the kind/relevance of the link. A [G] for Google searches, etc. One of the guys in the group brought up a [V] for Userspace links (may be deleted by Winer at any time if person stops to woship his shadow) and [W] for Winer's links (may be changed at any time and no longer be relevant to the linking document).

    But ephemeralinks really rocks.

    As for the discussion during WinerCon? You kidding? They don't discuss Evolution at the Vaticanic Convention, why would they discuss anything like that, there? :)

  2. Ernie screwed up and you did too. All the stuff he cites is still there. He somehow got the wrong url on his clipboard to something I wrote over two years ago.

  3. Dave - Thanks for the update. Duly noted.


  4. Hmmm. So now you've edited your post. Does that mean you have no integrity?

  5. Dave - I'll let the edit and the acknowledgement speak for themselves. Ultimately it's your call (and anyone else reading this blog), not mine. --Rick
