Thursday, October 23, 2003

LazyWeb - and an iTunes request October 23, 2003 Archives

My idea is: A plugin for winamp, Windows Media Player, w.bloggar, zempt, iTunes or whatever – not dissimilar from the one for w.bloggar (which generates a “Currently listening to: Band Name – Song” string) – that will parse the id3 tag of a given song, and using the ITMS link maker generate the HTML for a blog post that links the song you are listening to, to its counterpart on iTMS if available.

This is a great idea, as I’ve found over the last few days that iTunes is running about non-stop. And what would make it really interesting would be if iTunes had some kind of associates-like system (similar to Amazon’s program) where I’d get a couple of pennies for each song purchased from my blog.

Come on, Apple, I want my free music.


On a different note, I found this suggestion at a site called LazyWeb (URL updated 10/24), which is destined to be my favorite hang-out. The premise is simple: come up with an idea you want someone else to build? Just add a ping to the LazyWeb ping site, and it will add your request to the top of the heap. (You’ll notice that I did this for my suggestion that someone build a Movable Type plugin to auto-link comments.)

What a great use of TrackBack, along with lazy users everywhere who get to plant ideas in the heads of developers who you just know won’t let the idea die until they build it. (That’s the theory, anyway.)

Here’s hoping someone comes up with solutions for my request as well as Scott’s excellent iTunes suggestion…


  1. Hey Rick!

    I think you put up the wrong link to Lazyweb (you put .com not .org), which takes you to one of those ridiculous search engines that are just there to try to scam users and tries to reset your homepage to its own site.


  2. there is a plug-in for MS Windows Media Player, that works with Radio at least. Sean Alexander pointed it out a couple of months back, but his site's search doesn't seem to be working right now.

    ah, there it is:

  3. Mike -

    Thanks for the catch. Updated the URL.

