Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Change for America

For those who are interested, I’ll be posting at changeforamerica.org, the blog Joe Trippi set up last week. Many thanks to Joe for the invite, and please feel free to stop by and leave a comment or two.

(Yes, we will be sprucing the site up a bit…)


  1. I've put my blog back up with a complete redesign. Check it out for my comments on today's events.

    Carl with a K

  2. Do you want everyone to know that you still believe people have the power to participate in their government?

    Do you want everyone to know that you're going to continue to fight the good fight for average Americans?

    Then come out on Saturday afternoon and show the world.


    Gather in a busy spot in your cities and towns to thank Howard Dean and show America that you still believe in the power of American citizens to shape their government. Bring your "Thank you Howard Dean" signs.

    2:00 pm Eastern
    1:00 pm Central
    12:00 pm Mountain
    11:00 am Pacific

    Saturday, February 21

    I will be in Chicago at Daley Plaza (where the Picasso sculpture is). Chicago area Dean supporters, please join me.

    Dean leaders from other areas, please consider doing this. Send the word out through your networks. Choose a likely location for gathering and get the word out. This could be an opportunity to show people that we're still out here and still determined to stay in the fight together, and still ABLE to mobilize quickly.

  3. Crapforamerica is what it is! Let me steal a line from one of your finest, Teddy "The Swimmer" Kennedy. Here it goes: "Week awftuh week, we hear lie awftuh lie awtuh lie!"
