Saturday, March 27, 2004

City of New Orleans

Just booked our tickets on the City of New Orleans train down to Nawlins. I’m best man in my best friend’s wedding in May, and Robin and I decided that a trip with the kids on the train would be a blast. (No, really!)

When I told my four year-old that we’d be taking a train trip in a month, the look of joy that crossed his face was worth the price of the ticket (a rather reasonable $900 for a family of four, round-trip – within $10 of the cost of airfare for the same trip). When I showed him the virtual tour of the sleeper cabin we’ll be in, he nearly fell over. “COOL!” he proclaimed.

About a half hour later, in a very serious tone, he came back to me. “Dad! You better make sure they have a snack car, just in case I get hungry.”



  1. I made that same trip around 1990. It's pretty cool. One thing, don't plan on arriving on schedule at either end. Other than the delays, it was a fine ride.

  2. I am a train buff and have taken that trip. Did you get a family sleeper or is it coach? A cell phone with roaming works good. Take your own pillows if its coach. If you have a cheap scanner you can follow the train crew and the frequencies for that route is easy to get on the web from train buffs. My wife and I are planning to take the train to My Vietnam Units reunion in Washington DC April of 2005.

  3. I love the train. You guys (esp. the kids) will have a excellent time. I used to take the "Montreal-er" from St. Albans,VT-NYC-D.C. often. *sigh*...good times:)
