Friday, March 5, 2004

George Bush - conservative?

Interesting catch from Britt Blaser:

Meanwhile, here’s a quote from the cover story of the current issue of American Conservative magazine:

The tendency to hate, really hate, opposing politicians surely is not good for American democracy. It is not rational to hate George W. Bush, just as it was not rational to hate Bill Clinton. But after spending eight years hating Clinton, conservatives who complain about the Bush-haters appear to be hypocrites.

George W. Bush enjoys neither royal nor religious status that would place him beyond criticism. Whether or not he is a real conservative, he is no friend of limited, constitutional government. And for that the American people should be very, very angry.

[Escapable Logic]


  1. Hey Rick, here's a new topic to cover. What do think about the fact that the women who paraded around the networks this week blasting Bush for his campaign ads, actually run an organization (Peaceful Tomorrows) that is funded by the Tides Center (chaired by Teresa Heinz Kerry)? An interesting side note is that another of Tides' projects is none other than Just curious what you think about such a group blasting Bush for exploiting 9/11 victims while doing the same through a concerted effort of talking points and talk show appearances....

  2. Hey Rick, here's a new topic to cover. What do think about the fact that the women who paraded around the networks this week blasting Bush for his campaign ads, actually run an organization (Peaceful Tomorrows) that is funded by the Tides Center (chaired by Teresa Heinz Kerry)? An interesting side note is that another of Tides' projects is none other than Just curious what you think about such a group blasting Bush for exploiting 9/11 victims while doing the same through a concerted effort of talking points and talk show appearances....

  3. sorry for the double post - it told me there was an error the first time.

  4. To suggest that the Clinton Haters, the President Bush Supporters and what not are acting the way this article portrays is an out right lie.

    I have not met a single true conservative who is 100% happy with Bush's policies.

    I hate that he passed the education bill, the health care bill, campaign finance reform (especially), and numerous other entitlement programs.

    But... At the same time. Us conservatives have a choice.

    BUSH = Go to war with terrorists + Tax Cuts Permanent.

    KERRY = Distort Tax Cut Issue and pretend that getting rid of Tax Cuts for the rich won't affect the middle class any + Police Terrorists.

  5. I am not surprised to see all of these lies and distortions about who I am. I am one of those hard core supporters of Bush who also hate him for passing tons of entitlement programs and balloooning the Domestic Spending.

    President Bush is 'attempting' to convince us supporters that he will stop acting like a Liberal.

    But in the meantime. We are left with a decision. It is President Bush or far worse.

    You won't find the truth in magazines or newspapers or T.V. documentaries or Radio documentaries, and e.t.c. The truth is what you learn from those who are Libertarian, Republicans.
