Wednesday, October 5, 2005

WeMedia -- WeNews

Richard Samborn, BBC: BBC is shifting from broadcaster to aggregator to facilitator. Notes that the strength of the news organization depends entirely on its relationship with the public.

Tom Curley, AP: We’re in a business-to-business model, we intend to stay in a b2b model. Notes that costs are driving access: HD cameras used to cost 400k, now they’re 4k.

What’s next for AP? A youth product, just launched, aimed at the 18-35 segment. Huh. With a third kid on the way and my 34th birthday at the end of the month, I don’t feel young. ;)

There are two artists who are drawing on a mural on the far side of the room throughout the entire presentation. I can’t see what’s there yet, but it’s fascinating to watch the images and words develop.

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