Thursday, June 15, 2006

Me and trains, not all that friendly

My latest snakes on a train situation.



  1. We're going to have to chat about this tomorrow. I'm curious to hear what your story is.

  2. This really is some gift you have.

  3. How long was your wait/ride? I heard everything from 2 hours to 5.

  4. Note to self: never ride a train with Rick.

    Also note to self: don't try to meet Rick in a train station parking lot as someone might be there waiting...

    Completely unreal.

  5. Left the city at 5, got home just before 9. Spent about an hour and a half waiting for a ride in Hinsdale. Fun, fun, fun.

  6. [...] As Justin noted in yesterday’s comments: not only should you not ride a train with me, you should avoid meeting me at the train station.On this day...Local web designer needed - 2005Google Page Rank patent application - 2005The musical baton - 2005Rumsfeld must resign - 2004WebVoter - true grassroots organizing - 2004 Filed under: Travel by — rick @ 3:31 pm [...]

  7. [...] i feel like Rick Klau right now with his luck on trains. (too lazy to search/link on my Q finally got home and searched). [...]
