Wednesday, June 7, 2006

TypePad now integrated with FeedBurner

The very first week I joined FeedBurner, I talked with several friends who resisted using FeedBurner because they already had subscribers to their TypePad feed, and didn’t want subscribers scattered in multiple places. Tonight, that’s a thing of the past. Over at the Six Apart blog, Michael Sippey shares the details about the integration; both Mike Arrington at TechCrunch and Steve Rubel broke the story before we had a chance to spill the beans.

For publishers who want a complete view of their subscriber base, now they can route all feed requests to the same spot. Publishers who want to enhance their feed (with FeedFlare, links, flickr photos, etc.) can now do it and ensure that all subscribers will get the benefit of those enhancements. TypePad wins because it becomes the first platform to natively integrate with a service already used by more than 200,000 publishers… enhancing its value and showing its commitment to its users by giving them what they want instead of locking them in. (In case you were wondering, we don’t lock publishers in either.)


  1. Typepad Now Offers FeedBurner Inside

    Typepad, the blog platform by Six Apart which powers Somewhat Frank, announced a new partnership today with Chicago-based feed management giant, FeedBurner. This means that Typepad users can now more seamlessly integrate their feeds into a Typepad blog...

  2. I just wish TypePad would fix some of the many, many bugs and super-easy feature requests submitted by users before going down the road of highly complex features.

    Don't get me wrong; I run a blog that gets 40,000 pageviews a week - and for $15/month - that ain't bad.

    But I've got about a dozen trouble tickets that have been open for over a year - some of them with really basic bugs and super-minor interface improvements.

  3. Friday's Friends Report, Jun 9

    Eric's LEGO Robotics Challenge ... Eric challenged his girls to LEGO Robotics challenge, and posts the video of their success. Well done. Eric Mack Online JK's Productivity Challenge ... James Kendrick is running a productivity tips contest. Submit o...
