Monday, June 2, 2003

Usability (ahem)

I find it more than a touch ironic when the search results for all show an incorrect date.

For those that don’t know, is the online home of Jakob Nielsen, the gold standard in website usability. I’m sure this is just a minor glitch (I’ve sent them a note to let them know about it), but it’s exactly these kind of things that presumably they cover in their $45 “Design guidelines for search“ report…


  1. Well done spotting that -- it highlights something I've been saying for a long time, that usability consultants and experts such as Neilsen are out of touch, and are devoting too much time to standards and abstract concepts. Better to have a hands-on, pragmatic approach to the subject.

  2. p.s. I wouldn't call Neilsen the "gold standard". Check out Steve Krug, and his book on the "common sense" approach to web design.
