Monday, August 30, 2004

Judy Baar Topinka

Judy, Judy, Judy. Brian Sebby just IM’d me from a restaurant where they had the TV tuned to WGN. They were interviewing IL State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka, who was asked about, what else? Alan Keyes.

She noted that Keyes wasn’t her “first choice”, that she hadn’t yet seen him in New York, and that he hasn’t done anything with the party. Wait, it gets better: “He’s one of those candidates where it’s all about him.”

This is strikingly similar to this quote from Topinka in today’s Tribune:

“He has his own agenda. He doesn’t necessarily work within the confines of the Illinois Republican Party,” she said. “So, we really don’t know what Mr. Keyes is doing, when, until he alerts us. He lets us know—when he feels so moved to let us know—where he is.

“I don’t know if it’s a good thing,” for the party, she added. “It certainly seems to be his way.”

(Don’t forget, she’s the party chairwoman.) Oh – and if you haven’t watched Keyes demonstrate what “his way” really is, you should. Holy insanity, Batman.

In case you’re wondering why the highest elected official in the Illinois GOP (and its chairwoman) is distancing herself from this political dirty bomb, she’s stepping down as the party chair, and she’s probably laying the groundwork for a run against Governor Blagojevich in 2006. Who knows, maybe Keyes will challenge her for the seat? He’ll have lived in Calumet City for almost two whole years by that point!


  1. ===Who knows, maybe Keyes will challenge her for the seat? He'll have lived in Calumet City for almost two whole years by that point!

    God doesn't love me THAT much.

  2. I will actually go to the state convention next time to keep that from happening.

    Oh Big Jim Thompson a party cries out for you....
    The GOP misses you more than you may know...

    Come help us please Jim Edgar with a Plan
    Give us just a little Han'

  3. I've decided not to vote for McCain because of his poor choice of a running mate. I consider myself a green Republican (don't ask me how that's possible). Palin is an evil anti-wildlife witch, and Topinka is very pro-wildlife. I would totally vote for McCain if he chose Topinka instead.
