Saturday, August 28, 2004

More on the alleged spy

War and Piece, Laura Rozen’s blog, has the complete update. Turns out that she, Josh Marshall and Paul Glastris have been on this story for quite some time, and have details not previously disclosed on the matter. Read Laura’s update, and keep an eye on the site. As she says towards the end, there’s clearly more than is out right now, and we’ll likely be hearing a lot more.

One thing appears certain: the original leak of damaging info on Chalabi, now this. If this is politically motivated, someone inside the Bush Administration is playing hardball to get rid of Perle, Feith and Wolfowitz.

1 comment:

  1. This spy story puts me in mind of a
    piece titled "Look Who's Feuding," by Danny Postel in the July American
    Prospect (  It notes some
    friction between neoconservatives (like, say, the aforementioned Perle, Feith and
    Wolfowitz?) and other factions of the GOP, stemming in large part from
    the Iraq adventure and its ill effects.  Here are his closing

    Of course,
    it's still possible that the
    extraction process [i.e., the expulsion of the neocons from the GOP
    temple] might not occur. For one thing, Republicans have
    been nothing if not disciplined; surely they will apply whatever Scotch
    tape and glue they need to in order to keep these rifts from becoming
    too public before November. For another, Iraq could yet "work out," at
    least in the sense that the situation will settle down a bit and
    elections will be held as scheduled.

    But whatever the future brings,
    something dramatic has already happened -- and continues to happen
    every day behind closed doors in conservatism's rarefied redoubts,
    where the quiet whir of confident manifestoes being typed out on
    computers has been replaced by the more insistent buzz of knives being
    sharpened. Irving Kristol famously defined a neoconservative as "a
    liberal who has been mugged by reality." Many Republicans -- reaching
    the point of critical mass -- are now coming to define themselves as
    conservatives who have been mugged by neoconservatives. If Bush loses
    the election over Iraq, their ranks will only grow more critical and
    more massive. But even if he wins, listen closely for the sounds of

