Friday, October 6, 2006

Battlestar Galactica

No question about it: best show on TV. Sure, Lost is fun, and it’s great wondering where all the plot lines go. But for my money, this is just as good as it gets.

Wow. What a premiere.

(PS – Check out Technorati for a ton of BSG reviews. Some people aren’t thrilled at the rather overt parallels to Iraq. To which I say: it’s a TV show. It’s a good story, it makes you question your values and look at conflicts in a new way. But no, Ron Moore isn’t trying to get you to side with the terrorists. Settle down, it’s a TV show. And a damned good one.)


  1. I recently discovered this show as well - truly solid sci-fi. Reminds me of Firefly, may it rest in peace as the best sci-fi show ever, despite its very untimely demise.

  2. [...] I’ve been reading great things about the current season. Fortunately, I don’t have access to cable television, so watching it on Friday nights is no longer even an option. So I bought the season pass, downloaded the episodes (time to dig out that external hard drive), and watched all of them. Marvelous. Great writing, top-notch graphics, believable acting, and it even makes you think a little. [...]
