Friday, October 13, 2006

TechCocktail - a great party

Last night was the second TechCocktail event, and it was incredible. I had to miss the first because of a family commitment, but I’m really glad I got to make it last night. Eric and Frank really outdid themselves: over 300 in attendance when all was said and done. The founder of Vonage was there, the CEO of Orbitz was there, a number of VCs, developers, consultants, start-ups, sales guys… you name it. I didn’t get to meet anywhere near the number of people I’d hoped to, there just wasn’t enough time! Nevertheless, it was an incredibly well-planned event, and Eric and Frank should be very proud of what they pulled off.

Check out the pictures and blog recaps. Can’t wait for #3!

Special thanks to Jeff Pulver for buying the drinks. I kept wondering why so many people were “singing” the Vonage yodel, now I know why. :)


  1. Glad you could make this time and that you had a lot of fun! :-) See you Monday.

  2. Second TECH cocktail Smoothly Downed...

    Last night (October 12, 2006), Eric Olson and I hosted our second TECH cocktail in Chicago at the Gramercy. As we first envisioned nearly 8 months ago, TECH cocktail 2 brought together the technology enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, bloggers, podcasters and...

  3. [...] TechCocktail - a great party - tins ::: Rick Klau’s weblog (Thanks for coming Rick!) [...]
