Monday, October 30, 2006

The big day is upon us

Just got back to my desk from the Innovation Awards, and look what was waiting on my desktop:


That’s right, IE7 just downloaded automatically via Automatic Update.

Now the fun begins!


  1. Go go feed subscriptions!

    Big day, indeed. You guys are going to be busy today!

  2. The upgrade hung on my home computer. I eventually killed the process, but it's not clear what I'm actually running at this point. I had one of the RCs running so god knows what kind of cruft is lying around on my computer at this point.

  3. Uh oh. What's anyone else seeing?

    Mine went smoothly - I'd had RC1 installed, and it properly uninstalled RC1, rebooted, installed IE and everything worked once complete. Sounds like I was lucky.

  4. Mine *almost* hung -- on reboot, I'd say it took about 20 minutes or so for it to finally come around. But it did...

    I was using RC3, I believe...

  5. Internet Explorer 7 Released as Auto-Update...

    Internet Explorer 7 is now being pushed out as an automatic update... Hang onto your feed subscriptions, folks!......

  6. [...] However, some blogs (example) are reporting that IE7 is being pushed out TODAY as an automatic update. I haven’t seen anything from other news sources, but the issues below apply whenever the update occurs. Well, not completely automatic, as it appears to put a recommendation on the screen — with options Ask Me Later, Don’t Install and Install. [...]

  7. [...] hope this doesn’t ruin the week. 10/31/2006 1:01 AM | Tags: Microsoft, Software, Web | Trackback NoComments [...]
