Wednesday, August 13, 2003

We are everywhere...

I’m staying at my parents house tonight before a day’s worth of meetings in Philadelphia tomorrow. And since my wife and kids were on the east coast on vacation, it was a nice chance to meet up and spend a day together.

My wife headed into town to pick up some food tonight. As she came out of the grocery store, she found a note tucked under the windshield wiper. Certain she’d been hit and this was an insurance note, she actually circled the car before picking it up.

Turns out it was a fellow Dean supporter, saying hi. (We have a Dean 2004 bumper sticker on the minivan.) I share their thoughts with you:


Try these sites:

- DeanforAmerica.comWorking for ChangeThis Modern World (Lots of good links here.)

Give ‘em hell Howard!

Beat the unelected fraud in 2004!


  1. HD is so connected he even has wireless updates:

    Good stuff......

    However, I'll be Voting for BUSH/ORWELL 2004!!!

    (I only said the last part to look good when they next update my FBI file)


  2. Rick: As long as you are passing through entirely too many airports, pick up a copy of the September Vanity Fair. There, in the letters section, an unbelievable Richard Perle/Joseph Goebbels "separated at birth." The same claws on the armrests; the same malevolent lizard's stare.

    N.B. Not all of the great stuff is on the web!

    N.B.B. I've finally started getting waves, smiles and honks on my bumper sticker, as well.

  3. A Memphis woman has come up with a killer idea- Putting stuff on Ebay and giving the profits to the Dean campaign. I think this has real potential- I'm involved with a local citizen's group fighting an environmental battle, and we raised $5000 last weekend in a 7-family garage sale, offering mostly junk that people were glad to get rid of. The Ebay site could raise a lot of money for Dean, plus perhaps expand the message to a broader (and computer-savvy) audience. Links enclosed- pj

  4. Shelley of WestchesterAugust 17, 2003 at 2:33 AM

    Grocery stores seem to be a good place to meet Dean supporters. I took my mother to the grocery store yesterday and we had a similar encounter. My car has 2 Dean bumper stickers in the windows and I was wearing my "The Doctor is In" button, when this elderly man with veteran's license plates looked at me and said - "Hey, that's my boy!" (He looked to be of an age to be either a WWII or Korean War vet). I offered him my button and he was very pleased and said that he wanted do everything possible to get "the current occupant out of the white house." Veteran's ROCK!
