Tuesday, October 12, 2004

MSNBC election site

MSNBC has a terrific election site that gives you an interactive electoral college predictor, streaming video from the various NBC news properties, and updated commentary from the on-air personalities. I think HardBlogger, and in particular Keith Olbermann, has been pretty good the past couple weeks.

For the record, here’s my Electoral College prediction, pretty map courtesy of the MSNBC flash widget that lets you pick who wins what:



  1. Rick, you might go ahead and paint all those states blue given the current illegal voter registrations, violent voter intimidation and other questionable practices being launched nationwide.

  2. Bush wins Florida but Kerry wins New Mexico, Wisconsin and Nevada.

    Otherwise... you are correct!

  3. Come on Jason. To suggest it's one-sided and we'll just walk away with the election is pathetic. This is going on by both parties, a truly sorry state of affairs.

    And Bush/Cheney has taken the rally to new heights: now you have to write an essay indicating your support of the president, and promise to vote for him in order to get access to his events.

    I'm not excusing/justifying/endorsing the allegations of interference with the process you link to above. But let's be fair: this is a bi-partisan disaster. And for Republicans to complain about a practice they're equally culpable in is disingenuous (to say the least). I'd be much more likely to listen to your complaints if you would at least acknowledge as much.

  4. Rick, Rick, Rick.... please tell me you didn't just support your argument by citing Daily "Screw Them" Kos. I'm highly disapointed.

    For what it's worth, that article Kos refers to has this little tidbit within it:

    "The I-Team has obtained information about an alleged widespread pattern of potential registration fraud aimed at democrats. Thee focus of the story is a private registration company called Voters Outreach of America, AKA America Votes."

    Hmmmm - America Votes.....where have I heard that before.....oh yeah:

    The following organizations are the partners of America Votes - representing over 20 million Americans across the country. Click on the links below to learn about their work on issues and politics.

    America Coming Together (ACT)
    American Federation of Teachers
    Association of Trial Lawyers of America
    Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence United With the Million Mom March
    Clean Water Action
    Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
    Democracy for America
    EMILY's List
    The Human Rights Campaign
    League of Conservation Voters
    The Media Fund
    MoveOn.org Voter Fund
    Moving America Forward
    Music for America
    NAACP National Voter Fund
    NARAL Pro-Choice America
    National Education Association
    National Jewish Democratic Council
    National Treasury Employees Union
    Partnership for America's Families
    People for the American Way
    Planned Parenthood Action Fund
    Sierra Club
    Voices for Working Families
    Young Voter Alliance
    21st Century Democrats

    There's got to be a Republican group in there somewhere - there just has to be. Can you find it for me?

  5. Connection between AV and Republicans? Who knew?!

  6. why do republicans always tell lies. what do i mean by they they all talk and no do they are out fro the rich and if mccain gets into offoce it is more the same nothing for vets, schools, health care, lawenforcement, etc.
