Thursday, September 25, 2003

Fire your website

Erik Heels weighs in with some cogent observations about the value of using weblog software to manage your website (in his case, for his law firm, but the lessons apply equally well to other businesses).

In particular, Erik provides a good review of several software systems (Radio Userland, Movable Type), discusses aggregators, and lists a few tips for leveraging the platform effectively. The article is well worth reading.

Over at EmploymentBlawg, George asks why Erik doesn’t review Blogger. I can’t speak for Erik, but I can add my $.02 — Blogger’s fine for basic weblog updating, but falls far short when it comes to managing non-blog content. Erik’s really talking about managing an entire web presence with the weblog software as the infrastructure. That’s possible with Radio and Movable Type, but almost impossible with Blogger.

There is no doubt in my mind that web content management systems that grow out of today’s crop of blog apps (in particular, keep your eye on Movable Type’s creators, Six Apart) are the disruptive technology that will threaten the established WCM players (think Documentum, Interwoven, Vignette).


  1. Good point, Rick. I'd be excited to see more comprehensive tools than Blogger. I just naively started there, and have found it OK and easy-to-use. It would be nice if I didn't have to use other apps for: comments, search, stats, and if I could archive by category and easily incorporate my favorit RSS feeds into the blog.

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