Sunday, September 7, 2003

X1 - Great download

From John Robb, a terrific product recommendation:

Bill Gross has finally launched X1, his fast search tool on the desktop (Web, e-mail, files, and attachments). There is a full-featured, no time limit, free version available. This is a good replacement for the hideous search feature in Outlook.

I just installed X1, and so far it looks terrific. Thanks John!


  1. X1 Search

    A useful piece of freeware came across my path by way of Rick Klau's weblog. X1 Search will help you find text in your emails or text files on your system. I just downloaded it and tried it out. It...

  2. X1 Search Tool

    Rick Klau's weblog has a post about a neat Outlook add-in called X1, whcih replaces the wretched search tool that comes with Outlook. Check it out at the X1 home page (it's a free download)....

  3. X1: a desktop search tool

    From Rick Lau: Bill Gross has finally launched X1, his fast search tool on the desktop (Web, e-mail, files, and attachments). There is a full-featured, no time limit, free version available. This is a good replacement for the hideous search
