Over at Politics & Law (a great new blog by Jeremy Kissel), I saw this statistic (quoting a poll in the Rasmussen Report):
[T]he Investor Class gap … exists for all Democratic candidates. Bush leads Dean 51% to 33% among Investors and 40% to 35% among non-Investors. …
Just under half of all Americans belong to the Investor Class. Investors are more likely than others to vote, so they make up nearly 60% of the voting public.
I wonder how many of those polled know that Dean is a third generation stock broker? That he grew up in Manhattan and worked on Wall Street before going to medical school? That he balanced budgets in Vermont, paid down debt, created a rainy day fund? (My guess: few, if any.)
I’d love to see the results of this poll if it were done in the same vein as, say, Clark’s “blind bio” poll against Bush. (To refresh: Zogby ran a poll where Clark’s bio — not his name, but his bio — was run against Bush. Clark won.)
"Of course, the real burden of the national debt will be borne by our children and children's children. This is precisely why Americans once held a deeply ingrained moral taboo against deficit spending. Budget deficits are the ultimate form of what our nation was founded to protect against: taxation without representation."
ReplyDelete"The runaway national debt has much the same impact on our nation's financial condition as termites do on the structure of a house."
"A basic ingredient to achieving the American Dream is thrift. . . By hijacking our savings, the government hijacks our opportunity to experience the American Dream."
"To be perfectly honest, we would love to keep playing Santa Claus. We could pretend the debt doesn't exist; pass out $1.6 trillion of government largesse each year, and let the next Congress deal with the rising sea of red ink. . . Regretably, this is precisely the approach the President has chosen with his most recent budget plan. In what we regard as a spectular abdication of leadership, the President's plan to deal with the debt is to do--nothing. . . We dub this the Democrat' 'party-on" strategy. That strategy is to keep spending and borrowing, and worry about the red ink tomorrow, or next week, or next year, or next decade."
"Whether a balanced budget amendment is approved this year or not, we regard the elimination of the deficit as our central mission. We recently asked Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan what he thought would be the impact of balancing the budget. He told us: 'I think real incomes would significantly improve. . .Americans would look forward to their children doing better than they.' In other words, it would be a major step toward restoring the American Dream."
"We acknowledge that the job of balancing the budget is going to be the most difficult job for Congress to accomplilsh in decades. But in partnership with the American people, it will get done. This commitment we owe not just to our children, but equally to the generations of Americans who came before us and helped build this free and prosperous nation."
"Isn't it time we pushed corporate American off the federal dole? Corporate subsudies and handouts have become pervasive in the federal budget."
Above quotes from Restoring the Dream, The Bold New Plan by House Republicans, copyright 1995 by the Republican National Committee. Similar views are present in the Contract with America. This speaks for itself. I don't think further comment is really necessary right now.