Get those Tivos ready, kids. K Street premieres tomorrow night on HBO. From HBO’s website:
Executive produced and directed by George Clooney and Steven Soderbergh, HBO’s latest groundbreaking series is an experimental fusion of reality and fiction—an entertaining, fly-on-the-wall look at government, filmed in and around the corridors of power in Washington. Starring Beltway insiders James Carville, Mary Matalin, Michael Deaver—and a host of political celebrities. Premieres Sunday, September 14 at 10:35 p.m.
According to today’s New York Times, Dean appears in the first episode and may have even received some pre-debate assistance from pols Paul Begala and James Carville.
Update: Carville and Begala just posted to the official campaign blog confirming the report and offering more insight into the campaign and the show:
Saw the show and loved it. It was a real hoot. Dean looked good -- very relaxed, funny and confident. The only problem I have with the show is the that the actors stick out like sore thumbs (dump 'em). The real stars are the REAL people here. Carville and Matalin are hilarious and the political cameos feel very natural. I can't imagine how they convinced some of the Republicans to appear in a show that is overtly liberal. There seems to be a lot of fun made at their expense. I do so love that George Clooney!