Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Winning Back America

I got a complimentary copy of Winning Back America yesterday, courtesy of Simon & Schuster’s Geoff Kloske, Executive Editor of Adult Publishing. First off, thanks to Geoff for sending the book along. I’m going to read through it over the weekend and will post a review of it once I’m done.

In the meantime, be sure to visit the blog they’ve set up for the book, Winning Back America. (I just visited there again, and loved this link to the Borowitz’s report that the Supreme Court has overturned Gore’s endorsement of Dean. I love it.)


  1. Thanks for mentioning our site, We'd be happy to provide a free copy of the book to other major blogs or Web sites if you then post a review of it.

  2. Gore Shocker

    It's at this time of year our thoughts turn to Florida. For humorist Andy Borowitz's take on Gore's endorsement of Dean, go here.

  3. I found it interesting in the part of the book on the webiste today that Dr. Dean was a working doctor while he was Lt. Governor. Here in IL our Lt. Gov position is considered a full time job.

    Could you see Pat Quin working a day job?

  4. WINING Back America? Is that supposed to be a pun, or was it unintentional? Drunks for Dean, anyone?
