Tuesday, June 7, 2005

John Edwards addresses Dean comments

John Edwards responds to the “flap” over his weekend critique of Dean’s comments regarding Republicans (which I talked about here). The key quotes:

We are both talking about the Republicans and their failure to address the needs of working people. We both agree with this basic truth: This Republican president and this Republican majority are not doing what they should be doing for working people in this country. That’s a core belief we need to fight for. And what’s more, we agree that we – all Democrats and all working people – should be complaining, criticizing, and generally speaking out about this critical failure of the Republican party and offering our positive vision for America. And we have.

Howard and I have been saying the same thing about this for years. Hear that? The same thing. For years. Have I ever put it some way that Howard wouldn’t agree with? Probably. And he put it in a way, once, just the other day, that I can’t agree with, since I come from a place where hard-working people, who are better served by the agenda and passion of the Democrats, somehow still vote Republican.

Nice. He goes on to do exactly what I had hoped someone would do, which is to articulate what Democrats are for, instead of simply demonizing the opposition. Well done.

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