Saturday, June 25, 2005

Julie Leung at Gnomedex

Julie Leung is giving a fascinating presentation about the boundaries of personal and professional writing, involving family without exposing them, maintaining balance between what’s hidden and what’s revealed.

I love her technique of using photos to illustrate her points, rather than the standard three bullet slides. It’s powerful, and forces you to listen to what she’s saying.

One thing she’s done is used photographs taken by her children; Ricky (my five year-old) recently received his very own Fisher Price 35mm camera, and the pictures he takes are just wonderful. As Julie points out, they show a perspective (from 3 feet, not from 6 feet) and a focus that we wouldn’t otherwise see. Sometimes the pictures are frivolous, but often they are wonderful representations of what matters to him, moreso than he can often verbalize.

Not sure that it means anything, but Julie showed two pictures that struck a chord with me: one of the sky, and one of a staircase — both are variations of pictures my son has taken. Always looking up.

What a touching, genuine presentation.

1 comment:

  1. I listened to this presentation and was blown away at how amazing it was.
