Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Milbank: law firm outsourcing

Interesting article from Bruce MacEwen in Law Technology News about Milbank’s decision to outsource their word processing to Chennai, India.

Milbank chose to work with OTH (a joint venture of Office Tiger, a 2500 employee company specializing in outsourced word processing and proofreading, and Hildebrandt, a well-known U.S. management consulting firm focused on the legal profession). Some good info in Bruce’s article about how Milbank went about the decision, and their early assessment of how it’s going.

More on legal outsourcing here and here.

1 comment:

  1. In a country like the US, years of litigation can bleed a client and getting all the work done at one's own law firm can exhaust the ambitious law professional. Now there is a solution called that has come around for a few years and the demand for it is increasing because it creates a win win win situation (for the lawyer, the client, and the offshore service provider).
